How to Make a Water Elevator in Minecraft – Simple & Fast Tips

How to Make a Water Elevator in Minecraft

How to make a water elevator in minecraft is not really difficult as long as you follow the guidelines laid out by the creators of the game. Despite the fact that the game can be downloaded for free, the lack of guidance often left many beginners wondering how to proceed. Fortunately, it is now possible to acquire the necessary information on how to build elevators through the use of online tutorials. These provide step-by-step instructions that show each and every aspect of how to construct various building blocks of a water elevator in Minecraft.

Here are some solutions about how to make a water elevator in minecraft

Solution 1

There are several types of water elevators that you can build. One is a floating platform which slowly rises up and down as you need to shift weight from one level to another. The other type requires you to place a soul sand block at its bottom before placing a piston on top of it. When you connect these two blocks together, a piston will push the sand block into the piston below. Together, the two gears grind up and push the block upward, which slowly rises into the cylinder.

Solution 2

When learning how to make a water elevator in minecraft, it is important to know that there are two kinds of sand blocks that you can place. There are the ones that have “ground” in their center and are used for grounding the gears inside the machine. Meanwhile, there are those that do not have “ground” in their center and are not used for this purpose. These are known as “fluid” blocks and when placed next to other fluid blocks, will cause them to flow with the current.

Solution 3

One of the easiest ways of how to make a water elevator in minecraft is by using magma. You need to locate a magma block that is flowing and place it on top of a piston. To make the piston start moving downward, attach a wheel to it. Once the piston is moving downward, attach an axle to the top of the magma block and slowly move it downward until the gear wheel is no longer present, causing the magma block to begin rapidly rotating downward.

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Solution 4

For another how to make a water elevator in minecraft tutorial, place gravel, stone or any other type of block on top of the piston that is slowly moving downward. Light the block and make it glow with energy before releasing it. This is known as “lightning” and you can use it to help you navigate your way from one level to the next. Once the block stops glowing, place a bucket on top of it or a creeper to prevent the block from falling into the water. Place the wheel on top of the bucket to trigger the grinding motion.

Solution 5

An additional step in this how to make a water elevator in minecraft video instruction series is to use lava. You need to locate some flowing water blocks that are similar in shape to your glass blocks. Glue them onto the source blocks of the lava. The resulting combination will cause the lava to expand in size until it reaches the edges of the source blocks. At this point you have an air-filled gap between the source block and the lava.

Solution 6

Once the air becomes dense enough, it will push the wooden door open. When you are learning how to make a water elevator in minecraft it will require wooden doors or hatchways made of pressure-sensitive transparent blocks such as the kind used for doors in restaurants. You can get these blocks at any decorative toy store.

Solution 7

In the next step you will close the door by attaching hinges to the wooden door. Next, you will place the water bucket inside the hole you’ve made in the ground. As you continue learning how to make a water elevator in minecraft, you will find that you will need to use wooden planks and platform just like those used on a chalkboard. The plank will act as a foundation for the other building blocks. Once the platform is set up, your child can stand on the platform and float through the air like a kite!

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