How to Clean a Crystal: 9 Important Ways You Need To Know

How to Clean a Crystal

How to Clean a Crystal

Knowing How to Clean a Crystal can help ensure that your jewelry is fully charged and ready to maintain these healing vibrations forever. Good crystals will not only keep your jewelry shining and shining, but it will also help strengthen your contact and this irreparable bond with your beauty.

Why is Crystal Cleaning Important?

Whether you just have a special shining crystal that sings your soul or if you have a different gemstone for each era, take care of your gemstones to promote any program for any affiliate it is necessary to give. Crystals are very good, they help us realize the chaos, they balance us, they protect us from bad vibration and toxic energy, and they are always rooted in sharp vibrations to keep us strong and calm. In short, they are busy.

Top Ways to Get Rid of Negative Energy

Cleaning your crystals and giving them complete plug recharge is not a difficult business, but it is important. Emotional stones you keep close and use on a regular basis will need to be cleaned more than the gems that sit on the shelf. The more the stones you use, the more cleanly. Because the crystals are so good to connect spaces that all energy has to go somewhere and it is not appropriate to leave their beloved jewel on the edge with a negative gun. Check these simple ways of air to keep your stones in bright light and eliminate these strange vibrations each time a fresh, complete and amazing healing experience.

New Moon/Full moon

The crystal and the moon are together. There is also something about the thick moon goddess energy and the deep breath of the new moon. The moon can clean the crystal on the deep energy surface and it has been a practice for centuries. Moonlight also helps you absorb jewelry -loving feminine energy. The full moon will bring the energy of release while the new moon offers the energy of development.

Put your crystal on your window before going to bed and leave them there overnight. This gives your jewelry enough time to absorb green light. Even if you can’t do it all night, a few hours will work amazing. This method of cleaning is perfect for all stones, especially those that do not work well with water.


A lunar eclipse can be amazingly energy -effective and feels like changing a page in a new chapter. Be it a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse, this could be the perfect opportunity to recharge your crystal with a whole new energy. There may be dramatic changes during these natural phenomena. The lunar eclipse is closely linked to major internal changes and changes, while solar eclipses talk about external changes and severe changes in the makeup of your life. This is a great opportunity for people who are stuck in static energy to mobilize things.

Find out when the next solar or lunar eclipse is and leave your jewelry on a window, balcony, or safe place outside where you can drink in this bright light. Make sure your jewelry is suffering from sunlight if you are choosing a lunar eclipse charge. Direct sunlight can eliminate some gems and even these hot sun colored stones should not leave in direct light. Clean quartz is a good mini for both cleaning and charging methods.

Salt Water

As anyone who has ever taken a dip in the ocean will know, salt water is an instant healer. The use of salty water to clean your crystal helps absorb unwanted energy and remove all negative colors. Salty water is the best way to drown your jewelry into soft flow and use this sea of confidence and change. For those who are near the sea, you can collect a cup of salt water for your crystal, but don’t be afraid that the earth is closed.

Make sure your crystal salt water is submerged for a few hours or a day if you can’t tolerate it for too long. Make sure to dry properly when you remove your stones. While stones like amethyst and quartz will perform well because of their stiff nature, but soft and more unsafe cliffs such as selenite, lipidolite, malachite and enzymes should not be wet.


Anyone who has ever been washed to get rid of bad energy will know how effective this easy process is. Dirt is another old technique and often turns to the pine or pine or lavender and sweet grass, but some herbs work well with it. Baba is the most preferred choice as this herb is equipped with many healing features. This powerful herb cleanser, can connect us to the circle of the soul, cleanse the negative energy, and remove all the colors of stress. This is what you need a tired crystal.

When smuggling your stones, make sure you are close to the open window or use a cage stick out for better and clean results. Light your dad’s stick in one hand and wave on the stone light and stone in the other hand so that the smoke surrounds the stone for at least 30 seconds. One of the best things about the smoke method is that you can do it with any crystal, especially a marine bandit, where you don’t want to lose your brightness.


Although the moon is cooked with feminine energy, the golden brightness of the sun brings a more male spirit and it is about bringing power, energy and phenomena to life. The sun is a powerful business, and as anyone has pushed the winter anxiety into the sun, he knows that this star is a powerful thing. Wait for a beautiful day or a clean sky and keep your stone to the light in its light. There is nothing more satisfying than to charge this solar power immediately, hold the sun with the sun in your hand and move this happiness into the depths of your soul.

Although you are a great way to change sunlight dial when you clean your sperm, not all stones are summer and sunlight creatures. If some are left directly in the sunlight, some crystals will disappear and lose their brightness, and no stones should sit in the sun for a long time. Deep stone corneal like hematite and red and orange stones work well in the sunlight. The stones that should be protected from the sun include ametrine, aqua marines, amethyst, calcites, barrels and citrine (despite the nature of their sunshine), in which their color may lose their color.


There is another safe way to clean and charge sound power crystals. The use of a sound frequency of washing your crystal and being young is not a good risk to cleaning your jewelry. Fasten and efficient, it is also a great way for people who have a full catch of crystal that will always be cleaned and charged individually.

Whether you use mantra, tuning thorns, or bells of songs or bells, the most important thing is that the sound is capable of reaching a vibration around the stones. You can use it for any stone and do not need to take more than five minutes in a sound bath.

Larger Stones

Gems and slabs can be another good way to clean your small crystals. The use of large stones to charge is a pure and tumultuous way of healing and sharing your gems with each other. When it comes to improving the other crystal, quartz and seeds are particularly felt well. Clear quartz master is known as healer and specializes in cleansing the selenium toxic vibration.

You can place small stones on large stones to use large jade, clusters and slabs to clean your other crystals. If this balance process seems difficult, you can put them in a bag or in the plate. Let them mix with each other for six hours or if you have patience you can leave them overnight.


The earth is one of our most basic elements and if it is barefoot in the mud or grass, it can immediately clean and refresh the soul. The same can be said for crystal. Burning your precious stones in the dust is a great way to re -ground them and to invite any bad energy. Burial is one of the heavy responsibilities for people who want to shake their jewelry well and clean them after some serious energy work.

Find a safe and sacred place to bury your semen, perhaps in a place that especially for you, or under a favorite tree, or even in your garden. Bury them in the ground (just a few inches deep). Leave for somewhere around 24 hours or even three days. The cliffs that like to clean the ground include Tiger Eye, Citrine, Cornelin, Jasper, Calcite and Agate.


Finally, you can also clean and charge your stones by sharing your intuitive powers. Cleaning your stones with meditation and meditation techniques can be an excellent way to strengthen your relationship with your glass. As they give you, you can return them. This is also the safest way to clean your rocks because you drive the risk of disturbing or disturbing the natural balance of rocks from water, dust, sun or any other element. However, it is important that you feel good in a good place and you can ground and combine your energy so that your rock does not need to do anything.

Keep your rock in your powerful hand and keep your energy until you are center. Imagine an excellent white light in your hands, soaked around the ornaments and in every way and in the creep. Pay attention to all the impurities and negative energies that come out of your stone and change it with a pure and bright light. It may take several minutes to complete this process and you should do with just one stone at a time so that you can fully focus your energy. You can do this activity with any of your gems.

How To Clean Quartz Crystals & Amethyst

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